Security System
+359 888 88 88 94
Будапеща 56
София, България
About us
Security services you can count on.
Our mission is to provide alternative approaches and systems that complement and enhance existing security methods. We believe that innovation and the development of new technologies play a key role in creating more effective protection systems.

We are security professionals:

We significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks.
Security software systems, extensions, updates.
Complete confidentiality, discretion and loyalty. We know the way to success.
Customers for us:
В началото работихме с други компании. Security-SS се отличава с едно лично отношение към клиента. Те приемат нашия бизнес като собствен, те анализират и проверяват всяко кътче, всеки един детайл за тях е важен.
Професионално отношение!
Това е най-добрата инвестиция, която ние направихме за нашия бизнес.
Спокойствието и качеството което получихме си заслужава. В този конкурентен свят, силно препоръчвам всеки бизнес да се възползва от услугите на Алтернативни системи за сигурност – Security-SS
Благодаря ви!
Security SS Specialized Security Systems
We offer premium protection:
Attacks on websites, e-shops and servers can cost companies a lot of time and money, as well as lead to costly and embarrassing breaches of personal data security.

Our activity and success are due to knowing the needs and protecting the interests of our customers. Guided by modern security requirements, we offer high-quality products of the latest generation, in line with market trends. The experience accumulated over the years, excellent professionalism and expertise are a guarantee for the development and implementation of cost-effective and high-quality security solutions using the latest achievements of technical security systems.
We have been the best for years in people tracking and bad credit recovery.
The work consists of three main steps:
Finding those with bad credit
Bad credit recovery

We can help you achieve a higher level of security and peace of mind.
To improve security and data protection in your organization or home, we are here to help.